Accueil Chronique de concert Nicole Atkins and The Sea
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Chronique de Concert

Nicole Atkins and The Sea

Nicole Atkins and The Sea en concert

Rothko, New York 17 janvier 2006

Critique écrite le par

The disco ball stops spinning, the CD is faded out. A girl in a vertically striped skirt is on stage. She is smiling, she is blushing and I'm smiling back. It is impossible not to smile back because Nicole posesses a rare ability to broadcast her emotions and energy onto others and she does it so well, I remember thinking "This is already a wonderful concert already; She doesn't need to sing" but she sang. She sang her songs and played her guitar in a magical way completely taking me off guard. Her songs, although not all happy, evoke a sense of positivity in their listeners.

The Sea, that is the name of her band were great too. The man on the lead guitar was pulling off sounds that evoked memories of Alan Parsons Project's "I robot" while the synthesizer was producing tasty retro-futuristic sounds that can only compare to the sounds of the original starship Enterprise. To sum up, the compositions are very melodic and catchy.

I approached her when the show was over in order to thank her and to purchase a CD. While paying, I overheard someone tell her "Nicole, there are some people from Columbia here...". She thanked me and ran away.
I hope everything works out for her, she is a very talented performer and I hope to see her at concert again soon.

Site de Nicole Atkins & The Sea :
Site de Rothko :

 Critique écrite le 18 janvier 2006 par mc uzbek

Nicole Atkins : les dernières chroniques concerts

Nicole Atkins  en concert

Nicole Atkins par Pirlouiiiit
Rubin Museum of Art, New York, le 05/08/2016
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Nicole Atkins & the Sea + Salt & Samovar en concert

Nicole Atkins & the Sea + Salt & Samovar par Pirlouiiiit
Rock & Roll Hotel - Washington DC, le 07/11/2008
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James Blunt + Nicole Atkins and the Sea + DB Clifford (Festival de Nîmes ) par Pirlouiiiit
Arenes de Nimes, le 01/07/2008
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Nicole Atkins and the Sea + Hopewell en concert

Nicole Atkins and the Sea + Hopewell par Pirlouiiiit
Midway Club - New York, le 06/03/2007
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